it's time to think of all your feathered friends in the yard.
Birdhouses and bird feeders abound at SuzAnna's Antiques,
and this week we are offering you 20% off all outdoor birdhouses!
Come see which one would brighten up your winter yard!
We have many beautiful handmade birdhouses and feeders from many local artists.
As is EVERYTHING in Jeff and Julia's booth!
Jeannie still has 20% off all the merchandise in her booth too!
With all the Christmas merchandise coming down
we are getting in some beautiful new pieces and creating some wonderful new displays!
We are so excited for you all to come in and see!
We will be closing early on December 31st at 3pm and closed all day on January 1st!
Starting January 2nd our winter hours commence.
Monday thru Saturday 11 to 4
Sundays 1 to 4
Don't forget about SuzAnna's as you are cleaning out to make room for your new holiday gifts!
We are always looking for vintage buttons and jewelry...even broken jewelry!
We can give cash or store credit!!
We are planning on having Leon Forte back to
buy your old gold and silver if there is an interest!
Send me back an email if you are interested!!!
Also, Molly, who has a booth at "Antiques at Gresham Lake",
has a booth at "Thieves Market" and we just found out she has a spot at the Fairgrounds,
on the weekends, in the Commercial Building! If you are out that way stop by and say "Hi!"
Tell her SuzAnna's Antiques sent you!
Have a safe and happy New Years and we look forward to seeing you soon at SuzAnna's!
Susie, Jenny and the Girls!