We have struck GOLD!
(typewriter $350.00)
Gold charms that is...
(Cash Register $219.00)
These vintage 3D solid gold charms are available this weekend only!
(Wishbone $140.00)
From 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday,
(Baseball player $135.00)
you can purchase these 14 karat, 
(deck of cards $295.00)
solid gold charms from the 1940's-1960's to add to your charm bracelet,
(Piano $219.00 )
or give as a gift to the one you love!!
(Thimble $125.00)
Leon Forte, our gold buyer will also be
( $165.00 )
here from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
(Globe $239.00)
So bring YOUR old gold and silver jewelry you don't wear anymore 
(Oil Jar $165.00)
and see what Leon can give you for it!!
(Amethyst pendant $165.00 )
Some charms are larger than others, 
(Comedy and Tragedy $145.00 )
but there is something for everyone!
(Set of skis $250.00)
Some even have enameling on them!!
(gold enamel charm $115.00)
Speaking of enamel, our magazine photo shoot is now out!
photo by Dara Blakley

My vintage pin floral bouquet, available to view at the shop, plus the beautiful work of The Purple Poppy, along with furniture from SuzAnna's Antiques, and the Two Old Birds is now showing in Weddings Magazine. We have copies of the magazine at the shop along with even more beautiful furniture that has come in this week!
So head to SuzAnna's Antiques this weekend to see what you can't live without!